@platform Additional Resources

All the resources you will need for developing on the @platform

0 minute read

The @client/AtClient SDK Cookbook

This cookbook contains recipes that demonstrate how to solve common problems while writing apps that implement the @protocol. Each recipe is self-contained and can be used as a reference to help you build up an application.

The @platform Glossary of Terms

Definitions of terms and acryonms often used with the @platform

Tutorial Videos on the @ platform

Atsign has created a Youtube channel that will help you quickly build your end-to-end encrypted app in a collection of useful videos!

Runtime Live

Atsign has hosted live sessions with Flutter Community leaders, join in on the fun!

Developer Experience

Find what developers think about working with the @platform

Our Flutter Community Advisors

The Flutter Community is just amazing! We are proud to be a small part of it. We work very closely with our advisors here to do the best for the community.