Sample apps created on the @platform

Sample @platform apps, from simple to complex

1 minute read


Demonstrates some of the most common verbs and methods that can be found on the @platform. If you are new to the @platform, start here!

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Demonstrates peer-to-peer chatting capabilities and just how easy it is to implement into any project!

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Demonstrates some of the more complex verbs and methods that the @platform has to offer. Similar to at_chats in the sense of sending information to separate @signs. At_cookbook builds upon this allowing you to send objects such as recipes to separate @signs!

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Currently our most complex application on the @platform! This app sends entire files from one @sign to another with end-to-end encryption! We highly recommend having a strong understanding of all of the common verbs and methods of the @platform before dissecting @mosphere!

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Not sure where to start? Take a look at our at_hello_world app to see how some of the common verbs and methods of the @protocol are applied and implemented.


Demonstrates the peer to peer chatting capabilities and just how easy it is to implement into any project!


This is an intermediate-level @platform based application that uses the verbs we learned in the at_hello_world and at_chats applications to make a working cookbook for the chef inside of us all!


Makes peer-to-peer encrypted file sharing possible.