What are the changes?

Refernce documentation for rSDK changes.

3 minute read

Get instances of AtClient and other services.

  1. To initialize AtClient Instance call setCurrentAtSign method on AtClientManager.getInstance().
  • setCurrentAtSign accepts the following arguments: currentAtSign, namespace and the preferences.

    AtClientManager.getInstance().setCurrentAtSign('@alice', 'wavi', <preferences>);
  1. The AtClientManger Instance has getter atClient which returns an instance of AtClient.

    AtClient atClient = atClientManager.atClient;
  2. The AtClientManager instance has a late initialized variable notificationService which is for accessing notification service methods.

    NotificationService notificationService = atClientManager.notificationService;
  3. The AtClientManager instance has a late initialized variable syncService which is for invoking the sync.

    SyncService syncService = atClientManager.syncService;

Note: Above code should be executed every time when the @sign is switched to get the right instances representing the new @sign.

Sending and receiving notifications.

  1. Get the AtClientManager instance initially.

  2. Access the notificationService variable using atClientManager instance.

  3. Listen to notifications via callback and no filter. Ideally you don’t want to do this.

    /// AtClientManager instance.
    AtClientManager atClientManager = AtClientManager.getInstance();
    /// NotificationService variable.
    NotificationService notificationService = atClientManager.notificationService;
    /// Listen to notifications.
    notificationService.subscribe().listen((notification) {
  4. Listen to notifications via callback and filter notification key by regex. You can also come up with regexes that match other types of keys. Ex: ‘wavi | buzz’ or alternatively multiple listeners can also be registered.

    notificationService.subscribe(regex: '.wavi').listen((notification) {
  5. Send notification. Await variant.

    /// AtKey
    AtKey phoneKey = AtKey()
        ..key = 'phone'
        ..sharedWith = '@bob🛠'
        ..sharedBy = '@alice🛠';
    /// AtKey's Value (String)
    String atValue = '+1 100 200 300';
    /// Update the value and capture the notification result.
    NotificationResult notificationResponse = await notificationService
                .notify(NotificationParams.forUpdate(phoneKey, value: atValue));
  6. Validating if a notification failed in the await variant.

    if(notificationResponse.notificationStatusEnum == NotificationStatusEnum.undelivered) {
        // Do something on notification error.
    } else{
        // Do something on successful delivery response.
        print('Successfully delivered notification.');
  7. The other notifications are as follows -

    /// Delete notification
    NotificationResult notificationResponse = await notificationService.notify(NotificationParams.forDelete(phoneKey));
    /// Text notify
    NotificationResult notificationResponse = await notificationService.notify(NotificationParams.forText('phone', '@bob🛠'));
  8. Send notification using Callback.

          NotificationParams.forUpdate(atKey, value: atValue),
          onDone: _onSuccessCallback,
          onError: _onErrorCallback,
    void _onSuccessCallback(notificationResult){
        // Do something on successful delivery response.
    void _onErrorCallback(notificationResult){
        // Do something on notification error

Syncing the data.

  1. The atClientManger instance has getter atClient which returns an instance of AtClient.

    final AtClient atClient = atClientManager.atClient;
  2. CRUD operations

  3. Syncing the data. Apps no longer have to use SyncStrategy or isDedicated flag or manually call sync. All sync requests will be internally kept in a queue and synced to the server at periodic time interval (approx. 15 seconds). If remote server is updated from some other device, then those changes will be also synced at periodic intervals.

    syncService = atClientManager.syncService;
    • Optionally, Register to onDone callbacks to get SyncResult when run asynchronously.
    syncService.sync(onDone: _onSuccessCallback);
    void _onSuccessCallback(syncResult){
  4. Optionally, call setOnDone for global onDone callback. Call this method to set the Global onDone callback. This method will be called when a sync is completed. When a specific onDone function is passed to the sync function, then the specific onDone is called.

    syncService.setOnDone(onDone: _onSuccessCallback);