What's deprecated in rSDK?

Documentation referring What are all the deprecations happened in rSDK.

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isDedicated flag

Apps no longer have to use the isDedicated flag on at_client methods. Sync will be called on a separate connection with the new SDK implementation. App developers can remove references to the isDedicated flag.


Apps no longer have to set SyncStrategy in the preferences. Sync will be called automatically after any update or delete operation on the at_client; Refer to the Sync section below for more details.

notify method

The method notify from AtClient is deprecated. Use AtClientManager.notificationService instance to call notify method instead. This method will be taking a positional argument of type NotificationParams.

Usage :

/// Get [AtClientManager] instance.
AtClientManager atClientManager = AtClientManager.getInstance();

/// From the [AtClientManager] instance access the `notificationService` instance.
/// Using `NotificationService` instance call the `notify` method. 
    /// With respect to the operation type, 
    /// the notification will be sent to the server.
        value: value,

getSyncManager method

The method getSyncManager used to get the instance of SynaManager is deprecated in favor of SyncService; Can be able to access from AtClientManager instance.

Usage :

/// Get [AtClientManager] instance.
AtClientManager atClientManager = AtClientManager.getInstance();

/// Get [SyncService] instance.
/// Use this sync service instance wherever 
/// you want to perform sync operations.
SyncService _syncServcie = atClientManager.syncService;

startMonitor method

The method startMonitor() from AtClient has been deprecated in favor of subscribe() from NotificationService. This method gives a back stream of notifications from the server to the subscribing client. Optionally pass a regex to filter notification keys matching the regex.

Usage :

/// Get [AtClientManager] instance.
AtClientManager atClientManager = AtClientManager.getInstance();

/// Get [NotificationService] instance from [AtClientManager].
NotificationService notificationService = atClientManager.notificationService;

/// Subscribe to notificationService.
/// Pass optional regex to filter notification 
/// keys matching the regex as namespace.
notificationService.subscribe(regex: '.myatapp');