How to migrate?

Documentation referring how to migrate your project to latest rSDK.

2 minute read

If you have gone through the rSDK changes, migrating your app will be easy. If you are ready to migrate your project to latest rSDK changes, then you are good to go.

Get instance of atClient.

  • AtClientImpl has been replace with AtClientManager instance.

  • createClient method has been removed and replaced with setCurrentAtSign.

  • atClient instance can be obtained through atClientManager instance.

/// **SDK 2.X**

await AtClientImpl.createClient('@alice', 'wavi',  <preference>);
var atClient = await (AtClientImpl.getClient(atsign));
/// **SDK 3.X**

var atClientManager = await AtClientManager.getInstance().setCurrentAtSign('@alice', 'wavi', <preference>);
final atClient = atClientManager.atClient;

Starting listening to notifications.

  • startMonitor method has been removed. With rSDK you must subscribe and listen to atClient instance’s NotificationService.

  • subscribe method takes a optional parameter regex to filter the notifications.

  • Decoding the response on callback function is not required.

/// **SDK 2.X**

await atClient!.startMonitor(<private_key>, _notificationCallBack, regex: 'atmosphere');

void _notificationCallBack(var response) {
    response = response.replaceFirst('notification:', '');
    var responseJson = jsonDecode(response);
    var notificationKey = responseJson['key'];
    var fromAtSign = responseJson['from'];
    // ....... REST CODE .......
/// **SDK 3.X**

atClientManager.notificationService.subscribe(regex: 'wavi').listen(_notificationCallBack);

void _notificationCallBack(AtNotification atNotification) {
    var notificationKey = atNotification.key;
    var fromAtSign = atNotification.from;
    // ....... REST CODE .......

Send notifications.

  • To send notification, you must use AtClientManager instance’s NotificationService to access notify method.

  • notify method takes a positional parameter NotificationParams.

  • The NotificationParams has all the methods depending to the operation you do.

    • forUpdate() - To send update notification.
    • forDelete() - To send delete notification.
    • forText() - To send a text message to another atSign.
/// **SDK 2.X**

await AtClientImpl.createClient('@alice', 'wavi', <preference>);
atClient = await (AtClientImpl.getClient('@alice')); 
AtKey atKey = AtKey()..key = 'phone'
                   ..sharedWith = '@bob'
                   ..sharedBy = '@alice';
String atValue = '+1 445 446 7879';
atClient.notify(atKey, atValue, OperationEnum.update);
/// **SDK 3.X**

AtClientManager atClientManager = await AtClientManager.getInstance()
    	.setCurrentAtSign(‘@alice, 'wavi', <preference>);
AtClient atClient = atClientManager.atClient;
AtKey atKey = AtKey()..key = 'phone'
                   ..sharedWith = '@bob'
                   ..sharedBy = '@alice';
String atValue = '+1 445 446 7879';
NotificationResult result  = await atClientManager.notificationService
                        .notify(NotificationParams.forUpdate(atKey, value: atValue));

Check whether local and remote server are in sync.

  • Instead of using SyncManager, use SyncService to access isInSync method.

  • You must use AtClientManager instance’s SyncService to access isInSync method.

/// **SDK 2.X**

final syncManager = atClient.getSyncManager();
bool isInSync = await syncManager.isInSync();
/// **SDK 3.X**

final syncService = atClientManager.syncService;
bool isInSync = await syncService.isInSync();

Calling on demand sync.

  • This may not be needed by all apps with new SDK changes. sync is performed automatically on any update/delete operation on atClient.
/// **SDK 2.X**

final syncManager = atClient.getSyncManager();
await syncManager.sync();
/// **SDK 3.X**

final syncService = atClientManager.syncService;
Last modified December 21, 2021: Fixes #331 (00e53b92)