Try your own @platform project

Watch the @platform in action with the Snackbar application

2 minute read

This tutorial will guide you through a 5 step process to install and run our demo snackbar sender application. Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install at_app

Run the following command to install at_app, our developer toolkit:
    dart pub global activate at_app 

Step 2: Install the demo app

Next install the app like so:
    at_app create -d snackbar_sender your-folder 

(Read more on at_app here)

Note: Replace “your-folder” with the folder you created your project in.

Step 3: Run the demo app

Then run the demo app:

cd your-folder
flutter run

Note: Replace “your-folder” with the folder you created your project in.

Step 4: Onboard an @sign

Watch the GIF below to see how to get a free @sign within the app itself!

If you’d like to purchase an @sign or would simply like to create and receive any type of @sign on the website, feel free to visit

Step 5: Send a snack!

Enter an @sign that will receive the sent snack. Be sure that it is the same @sign that you have entered in the receiver below!

What’s next?

If you are looking for a more advanced version of our Snackbar demo, look no further! Follow the step-by-step guide to send end-to-end encrypted snacks (chocolate bars!) to another device here!

Last modified February 16, 2022: Change flutter to dart for pub global (dddb1348)