Flutter FAQs
FAQs and issues reported for the @platform
1 minute read
Flutter Issues
Encountered Development Errors
- The following two links are a temporary solution to easily finding/submitting error solutions, if you have any suggestions, we are happy to hear them!
- If you have a bug/issue, feel free to search for it in this spreadsheet.
- If the issue you are currently encountering does not exist within the spreadsheet linked above, feel free to submit a new error within this error submission form.
Flutter doctor says that Android Studio is not installed but it is
Flutter doctor says that java needs to be installed
Install Java (Recommended version 8)- Open JDK Downloads
Flutter Doctor says you have to agree to licenses
But when you run ‘flutter doctor –android-licenses’ you get a load of errors that is fixed with - windows - Flutter Doctor –android-licenses : Exception in thread “main”
Last modified January 14, 2022: Changing left side navigation flow (b16cab08)